
Early Bird Hike

Rock Creek Nature Center 5200 Glover Rd NW, Washington

Enjoy a morning walk with our expert naturalist and delight in the sights and sounds of the spring warblers and other songbirds. This walk caters to both novices and more experienced birders alike. Bring binoculars. Rain will cancel the walk. Ages 7 to adult, Rock Creek Nature Center.

Broad Branch Stream Daylighting Tour

Learn more about DC efforts to restore a Rock Creek tributary and tour the project area at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 27th. The staff of DDOE will lead a tour of the Broad Branch project area, starting at 36th Street and Nevada Avenue. The tour will also include information on the restoration of a […]

“Be an Animal Athlete!” NPS Program

Broad Branch Road at Rock Creek (Picnic Grove 2 West) Are you ready for the hawk stance, white-tailed high jump, and green frog hop? Join the fun on the two-mile TRACK Trail. Bring water and close-toed shoes and be prepared to exercise. Ages 6 to 12 and their families.

National Parks: Plan Your Vacation!

Rock Creek Nature Center 5200 Glover Rd NW, Washington

Are you taking a national park vacation out west this summer? Stop by the Nature Center and meet with a well-traveled ranger to work on your itinerary, get your questions answered, and learn about your vacation destination’s must-see sites. All ages welcome.